Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Melbourne to Mildura Sunday 28th March 2010

All week leading up to our holiday it was late nights with early starts and the morning of Sunday 28th was no different. It went like this. Grace up at 6.30am. Girls up at 6.38am. Pete strolls in at 7am! As soon as Elizabeth's eye's opened she began to talk....and talk....and talk. It was all too exciting she didn't know where to begin telling me all that was going on in her head.
The morning progressed with us all starting calm and collected and by the end we were all feeling the pressure of trying to get out the door at a reasonable hour and where on earth were we going to put all the bags etc lining the hallway. The trailer was already full!. So much for packing lightly. Pete doesn't know why women don't understand the concept of packing lightly. Do we always have to bring everything bar the kitchen sink?
10am on the road.
Pete wouldn't let me video tape him driving off past our house, he said it was toooo 'woggy' and just couldn't allow me to do it. So I've only got a snap shot of him backing out the drive. Oh well it was worth a try.
We travelled up the Calder stopping at a few places along the way. Pete made the mistake of pointing out a beautiful old house (Tivey house) off a side street in Inglewood and I stood there taking way too many photo's of it. Pete told me to "get in the car" it was time to keep going. There were plenty of treasure's I'd love to have purchased in antique shops, but that was never going to happen.
As we got closer to Mildura it started to rain. I rang the caravan park we were staying at for directions and wrote them down carefully. After several wrong turns and U turns we rolled into the park at 5.30pm. The mood in the car wasn't great! As the rain poured down we set up the camp trailer and the girls sat in the car. Once that was done we headed into town for yep you guessed it, McDonalds. Even in Mildura not alot was open on a Sunday.
We were all in bed by 8.30pm. It rained ALL night!.


  1. Libby, see if you can still talk underground in Coober Pedy! Grace, there should be somewhere to stash some treasures. You will have to be inventive.

  2. Sorry to hog the comments but I just worked out how to comment using my own name. Isn't technology great!

  3. hey guys.

    sounds like you have had fun so far besides the rain. hey millie and libby i hope you enjoyed your Mcdonalds. ethan says hi and to enjoy easter. best wishes on the rest of your trip.love brixoxoxo.

  4. Hi Guys

    I am glad you are living the Dream . Look forward to your next installment

    Regards Nige
