Thursday, June 10, 2010

Albany (Saturday 5th June and Sunday 6th June 2010)

Saturday 5th June
Showers on and off all day. Pete woke up feeling sick and spent all day in bed. Girls and I walked over sand dunes behind our campground and walked along Emu Beach. It was cold and windy.
We spent the rest of the day at the park.

Sunday 6th June
Woke to a sunny day. Yippee. "The Weekender 2010 Albany Classic" vintage and modern car racing was being held in the main streets in Albany. The car racing was great and the car displays were right down Pete's ally.
We left the car racing and ventured up to the Wind Farm. Pete and the girls are standing at the bottom of this wind turbine tower but you wouldn't know it. They are massive. On average there are only 7 days a year when the wind is not strong enough to make the turbines turn, and today was one of them. They tell us the sound is incredible. We're gonna have to take their word for it.
We continued our drive and visited Whale World. Here we took a tour of the old Whaling Station. It was just amazing to learn what went on here and really sad at the same time. We spent the rest of the afternoon here and got to go aboard one of the last whaling ships the Cheynes IV.
The "flensing deck" where the whales were cut up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys!

    Really enjoying your journey, keep going!!!!
