Monday, April 26, 2010

Darwin to Kakadu National Park (Friday 23rd April 2010)

Travel day.
Left Darwin for our short trip 'up the road' to Kakadu National Park. Jabiru is the main town in Kakadu, 256km from Darwin. We travelled along the Arnhem Highway and all I can say about there idea of a highway up here is that there not the same as our idea of a highway.
I've included a photo to show you what I mean. Because of the wet season the roads are usually flooded and a thick layer of red dirt is left when the water receds. It then gets graded away. Not much of the road is left to drive on. This is the highway!
We stopped at a roadhouse on the way to see 'Brutus' the 4 metre salty that lives there in an enclosure. We didn't think he was there at first, then looking a little closer we saw his nostrils then his teeth poking out of the water. He gets fed every second day. Unfortunately, he'd been fed the day before so no show for us today.

We drove straight to Bowali Visitors Centre were we got the run down on sights to see. Due to the extended wet season most roads are still closed. 2 meters of water over some roads. The usual sights like Ubirr, Gunlom and Jim Jim Falls are all inaccessable by road. The only way in and out to these sights is by plane or boat. It looks like we will miss out on seeing the most popular sights this time around. Never mind we'll be back!! (Already planning our next trip).
Decided on staying in Jabiru at The Kakadu Lodge and Caravan Park. We chose a spot and later caught up with Mark, Kelly and the girls before calling it a night.

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