Travel day.
Kakadu N.T to Kununurra W.A 816km. We're heading WEST. Yipee!
7am on the road. We packed up in the dark and drove until we reached Mary Roadhouse at 8.45am just on the outskirts of Kakadu and stopped for breakfast. I have breakfast
'pre-packed' the night before on our early starts and it usually is cereal followed by yogurt and a piece of fruit. The fridge in the boot of the car is working a treat. From here we continued on into Katherine for groceries, fuel and a real coffee before we hit the road again. I did not buy any fruit or vegies. Apparently, the quarantine checkpoint into W.A is worse than the one into S.A. Not even honey is allowed over the border we were told. By 1.15pm we'd reached Gregory National Park. The Victoria Highway winds past one edge of the park and the sights are spectacular. It's like driving through ancient gorges with beautiful, colourful rock formations all around you. We stopped at Timber Creek for lunch and got chatting to a truckie who had some funny stories to tell. About 1km out of Timber Creek I spotted the first Boab Tree.
We turned off the highway onto a 3km dirt track to see Gregory's Tree. The tree stands at the campsite of the early explorer Augustus Charles Gregory and is a sacred Aboriginal site.
40c outside. Hot, hot, hot. For the first time we needed to use the jerry cans and fuelled up 67km out of Kununurra. Northern Territory time 5.00pm
Crossed Western Australian border 3.55pm. Wind clocks back 1.5hrs The check point wasn't too bad but they were pretty thorough. We checked into the Big4, set up quickly, had pasta for dinner and fell into bed.
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